• Overview
  • Trip Outline
  • Trip Includes
  • Trip Excludes
  • FAQ

Mount Meru is located just north of the city of Arusha, in the Arusha Region of Tanzania. It is the second-highest mountain in Tanzania, after Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Meru is also the highest mountain/point in Arusha Region. The Momella route – which starts at Momella gate, on the eastern side of the mountain – is used to climb Mount Meru.

Much of its bulk was lost about 7,800 years ago due to a summit collapse.  [Meru] most recently had a minor eruption in 1910. The several small cones and craters seen in the vicinity probably reflect numerous episodes of volcanic activity. Mount Meru's caldera is 2.2 miles (3.5 km) wide.

Mount Meru is the topographic centerpiece of Arusha National Park. Its fertile slopes rise above the surrounding savanna and support a forest that hosts diverse wildlife, including nearly 400 species of birds, and also monkeys and leopards.


Climb Mount Meru Itinerary

Below we have shared a 4 day / 3 nights Meru climb but you can do it in 3 days / 2 nights which we do not recommend due to long walking distance from Miriakamba Hut to the Socialist Peak  and back all the way to Momella Gate.





Leaving early in the morning from your accommodation in Arusha or Moshi and driving to Momella gate in Arusha National Park. Driving takes about 3 hours from Moshi and about 1 hr from Arusha. At the gate you will clear your trekking permits, meet up with your porters, guide, cook and game ranger, and start climbing. You will pass open grassland which will give you a good opportunity to see buffaloes, warthogs and other grazers.
You will cross the Ngare Nanyuki River and continue climbing through mountain forest. There you will have chance to see many different kind of birds and black and white colobus monkeys. Finally you will reach Miriakamba Hut where you will stay overnight.

Day 2



Second day climbing is quite short but demanding. You will start early in the morning and ascent steeply through lush mountain forest full of birds to reach the halfway point of Elephant Ridge. There you can see the crater. After 3 to 5 hours climbing you will reach Saddle Hut where you will have lunch.

In the afternoon you will have another hiking to Little Meru (3794 m) for superb views before sunset. Then you will return to Saddle Hut for overnight. It is good to go to sleep early so that you get enough rest for the next day’s hiking.

Day 3

SADDLE HUT (3570 M) – RHINO POINT (3850 M) – PEAK ( 4566 M) – RHINO POINT (3850 M) – SADDLE HUT (3570 M) – MIRIAKAMBA HUT (2541 M)


You will start climbing between 1 to 2 at night. The route is very steep towards Rhino Point (3850 m) and from there towards the summit along very narrow ridge. You will reach the mount meru summit, Socialist Peak, (4566 m) right at the sunrise.

The sceneries there are stunning; you will see Mount Kilimanjaro in close distance. After taking photos on the summit you will descent back to Saddle hut.
Note: On icy conditions or strong wind it is not necessarily possible to pass the ridge between Rhino Point and summit. You guide will decide if the conditions are not good enough to continue.

Day 4


You will leave about at 8.00 in the morning and descent to Momella gate. You can choose longer or shorter route down. On the longer way down you have very good changes to see wildlife and the ash cone. Once at the gate, it’s time to tip your porters, guide, cook and game ranger. After that your transportation back to Moshi will be waiting for you.

3 Day Mount Meru

Climb quick over view

Day 1: Arusha – Momella gate – Mariakamba HutDrive 1 Hr, Hike Distance 10 km, 4 – 5 hrs, 1000m ascent, Altitude: 2516m

Drive to the Arusha National Park gate at Momella. For the first section of the climb through the lush forest, crossing the Ngare Nanyuki river to reach Miriakamba Hut at 8337ft/2541m for overnight stay. Dinner and overnight Mariakamba Hut.

Day 2: Mariakamba Hut to Saddle Hut
Hike Distance 4km, 2 – 3 hrs, 1050m ascent, Altitude: 3566m

Continue to ascend steeply through the pleasant forest glades and giant heather to reach Saddle Hut at 11,713ft/3570m.
From here it is possible to take a side trek to reach the summit of Little Meru 12,450ft/3794m and return to Saddle Hut in about 2 hours. Dinner and overnight Saddle Hut.

  • Transport to/from Arusha National Park
  • Overnight stays in mountain huts
  • Professional, experienced, mountain guides:
  • All Park fees
  • Rescue fees
  • All meals while on the Mountain
  • Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees
  • Large portions of fresh, healthy nutritious food
  • Clean, purified drinking water
  • Crisis management and safety procedures
  • Fair and ethical treatment of porters
  • Airport transfers ( can be included upon request )
  • Accommodation in Arusha  ( can be included upon request )
  • Tanzania Visa
  • Gratuity
  • Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)
  • Meals not listed above
  • Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc)


The price for a 3 day Meru climb is USD 950 Per Person and the price for a 4 day Meru climb is USD 1050 per person. You can climb Mount Meru all year round and you can pick and choose your own travel dates but we recommend you avoid the rainy season. The best time to climb Mount Meru is January to early March and June to October.

• Be open and honest with us at all time. We’re part of the same team and share the same goal – to reach the top and come back comfortably and safely.

Mount Meru waterfalls
• Never pretend to feel well if you don’t before or during climb.
• Make sure you are in good physical and mental health before attempting the mountain. We recommend a medical check prior to any climb.
• Most people will experience mild symptoms of altitude sickness. Your guide is experienced in identifying and dealing with altitude sickness but you should also educate yourself about the symptoms and prevention of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), High Altitude Sickness (HAS), High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) and High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE).
• Should you experience any symptoms of AMS, immediate descent is the remedy on Mt. Meru and will be ordered by your guide.

Start your physical preparation (hiking) at least two months before. Decrease efforts the last 2 weeks and rest the final days before the climb so your body can recover properly. We recommend long walks in different terrain, swimming and yoga.
Start practicing deep, deliberate breathing. Try Pranayama breathing technique or any other that suits your lungs.
Make sure you are properly equipped according to our packing gear list.
You should bring some “comfort” food, such as chocolate and energy bars or energy drinks powder. You might need this for a boost on summit night.

Be positive and prepared for any kind of weather and surface – rainy, foggy, snowy, dusty, muddy, loose surface.
Ascend slowly. Don’t overexert yourself.
Take deep, deliberate breaths.
Communicate openly with your guide and follow his instructions at all times. He is the most experienced person on the mountain and there to assist you at all times.
At high altitudes, loss of appetite is common. Eat and drink properly even if you don’t feel like it.
Mount Meru summit day/night is tough. Steep ascent and sheer drops at some places, cold, wind and loose gravel surface will require your best efforts. Prepare yourself for this challenge and conserve mental and physical energy from the start. You will need it!
Don’t forget to enjoy! Feel connected to the mountain and feel the spiritual experience offered to you.